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Sheffield Half Marathon 2021

Published on 11 May 2021 11:09 AM

A major event in the UK's running calendar, the Sheffield Half Marathon is South Yorkshire’s biggest event of its kind.

Would you like to take part and help raise vital funds for our charity? 
Perhaps you could help us by volunteering to marshal this wonderful Sheffield event on the big day!

If so, we would love to hear from you! 

The event takes place on Sunday 26th September 2021, and after having to cancel the event last year due to Covid, this year is bound to be extra special! 

To run for Age UK Sheffield, you'll need to be able to raise £200 sponsorship money, but your entry cost will be free. If you're interested in running or volunteering for us, please don't hesitate to get in touch! Simply give us a call on 0114 250 2850 or send us an email with Sheffield Half Marathon in the subject line!

Staff Members pose in running clothes next to a banner advertising the charity's Coach House Project