Exercise to Music Class

Published on 12 April 2019 12:27 PM
One of the newest in the line-up of People Keeping Well classes in Dore and Totley proves to be not only great for helping you to keep fit and active, but also a rather lovely opportunity to get out, have a laugh, listen to some fabulous tunes and make new friends!
The class has been designed to suit everybody, regardless of fitness level, so that they are able to learn new exercises that can be practiced in the home too. This means that household objects such as bottles of water, tins of beans and even mops are used at the stations spread around the hall creating a unique “circuit training” experience. From the Beach Boys to Dusty Springfield, a wonderful variety of fun tunes are played to help the motivation along the way!
“Classes are good, my balance has improved and I like to be sociable, so it’s win, win.” – Class attendee

The class takes place every Thursday afternoon and is completely free to attend, there’s no need to book and it’s suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness and disability are welcome! The group is led by the wonderfully welcoming Emma, a referral instructor, who wastes no time in creating a friendly and well-motivated environment. Beginning with a good warm up, the group starts by walking around the edge of the circuit at a nice steady pace before beginning to slowly stretch muscles ready for the circuit to begin.
It’s hard to ignore the friendly and supportive atmosphere in the room as the music kicks in and everybody has a bit of laugh before choosing their first exercise spot on the circuit. Each exercise station has been carefully thought through so that it can be altered to suit the fitness and comfort of the person there and so that they can easily practice it at home too. The exercises are nice and easy to understand, and Emma is always on hand to ensure you’re doing everything correctly and safely.

Before long, time has flown by and everyone has had a go on almost all circuit stations. Finally, the circuit equipment is cleared away and the class ends how it begun, with all attendees having a nice slow and steady paced walk around the hall whilst also following Emma’s cool down stretching instructions.
So, what are you waiting for? Come along and get involved! You can improve your health, strength, balance and flexibility and have fun while doing it!
The classes are held on Mondays 2.30-3.30pm and Thursdays 2.30-3.30pm at Totley United Reformed Church, Totley Brook Road, Sheffield S17 3QS.
Everybody is welcome and there is no need to book in advance!
For any questions about the classes please call (0114) 250 2850 or email joanna.glaves@ageuksheffield.org.uk
Instructor Profile: Emma
“I have been in this profession for 5 years now but have been a personal trainer for nearly 10 years. I am a referral instructor for SIV Ltd and fully qualified in Pulmonary, Cardiac and Cancer. I am not yet qualified in stroke however I am taking my exam later this year. I am classed as a phase 4 pulmonary, cardiac and cancer instructor.
I work with all different kind of patients, diabetes, obesity, mental health muscular skeletal. I am also trained in falls prevention so as well as my Monday and Thursday group at Totley; I also visit nursing homes and deliver there.
All exercises can be adjusted accordingly to suit the individual. I try and make the classes fun and upbeat as I understand some people do not interact with anyone else in a week and the class may be their only chance.”
Feedback from attendees:
What is life like now?
• “I now have the motivation to do some exercises that I wouldn’t otherwise have done”
• “Fine, but fitter!”
• “I am now more active. Whilst I have always taken some walks these classes make me exercise different parts of my body and do this exercise more often.”
• “The more you try the more you can do! Getting out/ keeping fit/ being in a group of local people”
• “Life is enhanced by your enjoyable classes”
• “Your classes are good, my balance has improved and I like to be sociable, so it’s win, win.”
What makes you feel good?
• “Engaging in exercises in a relaxed, friendly setting and walking home afterwards feeling as though I’ve done something worthwhile.”
• “Music and company”
• “Activity and social interaction”