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Cafes and restaurants

Local Age UK cafes and restaurants are friendly and relaxed places for older people to get together over a cup of tea or a home cooked meal.

Drop in to our cafes and restaurants

Many local Age UKs run cafes and restaurants serving fresh, home cooked food. They are a key part of our work to relieve loneliness and prolong independence in later life by providing a meeting point for older people the community.

All proceeds from sales in our cafes support Age UK’s work in the local area.

Go to your local café’s website for its opening hours and full details of its menus.

Find your nearest Age UK café or restaurant


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Lunch clubs

Lunch clubs organised by local Age UKs are a great way to catch up with friends or to meet new people for a friendly chat. Sometimes our clubs invite guest speakers, and there may be opportunities to play games and sing songs, but there’s no obligation to join in!

You will normally pay in advance to attend a lunch club and Age UK may be able to arrange transport to and from the venue for you. Our lunch clubs typically meet weekly or monthly at an agreed time. Check with your local club for more details.

Dementia cafes

Age UK also run specific dementia cafes for people with dementia, their families and carers.

How we support older people with dementia

For more information call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 678 1602.
We’re open 8am to 7pm, every day of the year.

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Last updated: Dec 30 2024

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