The Team
Staff Members
Gillian Skuse - Chief Executive Officer
Mandy Kirkness - Service Support Manager
Jemma Craigie - Senior Support Worker
Andy Toogood - Admiral Nurse
Soibhan Robertson - Dementia Support Worker
Sarah Brown - Foot Health Practitioner
Andrew Taylor - Admin and Finance Manager
We have a team of home support workers, who deliver personal care and domestic support to people in their own homes.
Board of Management
The Board is elected from people with an interest in and concern for the well-being of older people. The charity tries to ensure that as many areas of Orkney as possible are represented on the Board. Please see below for a list of our board members.
Alistair Bruce - Chair
Andy McGinn - Vice Chair
Jill Robb
Balfour Wylie
John Richards
Doris Stout