Dementia Cafe
- Location: St Thomas' Church, 1 Delamere Avenue, Clifton, Swinton
- Price: £4.00
£4 per person per session. Includes refreshments and activity materials.
St Thomas' Church, 1 Delamere Avenue, Clifton, Swinton
M27 8GL
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01617 282001
The dementia cafe is a social group for people living with dementia and their carers and it meets Tuesday afternoons (1pm -3pm) every fortnight.
Fun and social activities
The group do a range of fun activities and light refreshments are available for those living with dementia and their carers.
Dementia Support Service
The Dementia Support Service offers an easy to access one-stop-shop of online and face to face support across the city for those living with dementia and their families and carers. The service operates an open referral system - you can approach us personally or through a relative, friend or carer. Contact us using our referral form and we will get in touch.