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Staying Well this Winter

Our team at Age UK Salford are here to help. 💜 Whether it's eating well, moving more, or heating your home, we can help you to get the support you need. Contact us on 0161 788 7300 or

Free flu jab - 65+ or a carer

Providing vital protection to prevent serious illnesses and to help minimise hospitalisation during the busy winter months. Check you may be eligible for other important vaccines including the COVID autumn booster.


Winter Vaccinations (COVID-19 / Flu)

Find out more about the 2024/25 vaccination programme and winter health.

Access to healthcare: 

If you are unable to get in touch with your local GP, alternatively you can use NHS 111 or speak with your local pharmacist. You can find out more about your local services and your nearest GP or dentist here which will connect you to the Greater Manchester Intergrated Care Partnership website.

Salford Handyperson Service

Salford City Council's service offer a range of minor home repairs. The service is open to all homeowners who may need a little extra help. The repairs are free of charge for those age over 65 and in receipt of a means tested benefit, those living with an illness or disability and low-income families.

Salford Handyperson Sevice - more information

Finances and heating the home: 

Noone wants to spend more on energy than necessary. Age UK has a page with tips and advice on preparing your home for winter and energy advice.

Extra help with heating costs:

 - Winter Fuel Payment (From this year onwards, to be eligible you must have reached state pensionable age and receive a qualifying means-tested benefit)

- Cold Weather Payment

- Warm Home Discount and one-off payment of £150

Emergency Help / Crisis 

No gas or electricity - Call Salford Assist 0800 952 1000. 

You may also be eligible to support from the Household Support Fund.The number is 0800 011 3998. They can also refer clients for longer-term support. 

Salford CVS have additional cost of living information.

Low mood, social isolation, and anxiety: 

You may be feeling anxious about going out, are living with a long-term health condition or have lost the motivation and interest to do the things you used to enjoy. Please get in touch with us and we can help and advise you. Our Information and Advice Service and may be able to offer the support and advice you need. Critchley Community Hub has a coffee and company group, meeting every Tuesday for those who may be feeling alone and would like to spend some time with other people.

Warm Spaces

There a several warm spaces in Salford - one may be near you. Find where they are in Salford using the interactive map.

The local Gateways in Eccles, Swinton, Pendleton, Walkden and Broughton Hub have extended opening hours on Monday - Thursday - hours 8am -10pm and offer a wide-range of community services and facilities.

Eating Well

We have information on eating and drinking well to keep you fit and healthy which is especially important during the Winter months. It's important to keep moving, eat enough and stay hydrated too. More information about Nutrition and Hydration in later life.

If you're struggling to cook meals for yourself or worried about food or energy costs. To have your meals provided look on the following websites:

For people who don’t eat much meat or dairy or would like to reduce this, there are lots of good recipes and tips on the Vegetarian for Life website:

Ask for help

Winter can be hard and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Whether you reach out to friends, family, or Age UK Salford, we are here to help.

For further local advice - please contact us on 0161 788 7300.

Winter Wrapped Up Booklet

The Winter Wrapped Up Age UK Booklet has information about staying well and fit during the Winter months. You can contact us at our Eccles Office for a copy or you can download a copy.