Nutrition and Hydration Awards

Bolton – Age UK Bolton Home from Hospital Service
Pip, Hazel and the Team have really embraced the programme, they can see how improving nutrition and hydration with their clients is key in preventing hospital
re-admission, one of the key aims of their provision. Nutrition and hydration has been included as a key criteria in the initial assessment they make with clients when determining what support they need on discharge from hospital, they use the Paperweight Armband and resources to engage in conversations with clients and families and also look at how to signpost and offer further advice when recognising barriers to eating and drinking well. This approach has been embedded within the team and they have looked at how existing systems such as Charitylog can help with embedding practice and recording information on nutrition and hydration.
Rochdale - Care4U
Care4U was the first home care agency in Rochdale to embrace the Nutrition and Hydration Programme, made space for all carers to be trained in the use of the Paperweight Armband and resources then incorporated their use into everyday practice.
They have continued to prioritise nutrition and hydration, in particular using the resources to improve communication about eating and drinking with clients’ families. They were complimented by Care Quality Commission (CQC) on their approach to nutrition and hydration.
Bury - Staying Well Team
The Staying Well Team have been a great champion for the nutrition and hydration programme right from the beginning. The team were trained just over a year ago and since then they have included the Paperweight Armband and key nutrition and hydration questions with every person they see who is over the age of 65. This has resulted in many people being identified as at risk of malnutrition and who therefore could benefit from the brief intervention.
Sam has promoted the importance of the programme in several meetings and events she and her team have attended. The whole team has a really positive “can do” attitude and this is why the award is going to them.
Oldham - Donna Speat and the PIP team, Age UK Oldham
It is hard to choose just one reason that I am nominating Donna and her PIP team.
- They have included a check for Nutrition and Hydration on their assessment forms which means that every person they speak to is asked about their eating and drinking habits
- One of the PIP workers, Charlotte, came up with a great idea to have a goody bag as a thank you for those people who have agreed to be part of the research, we are carrying out with Manchester University. This has proved to be a great success
- They have supported us recently at the flu clinics engaging with over 800 people
Thank you so much for embracing the programme and caring about the older people of Oldham.
Stockport – Stockport Homes Group
Stockport Homes Group has included PaperWeight Armband information in every Winter Well check for tenants, over 65. This will be the second year that they have reached 450 tenants, supporting any that are ‘at risk’ of malnutrition and signposting them to other agencies or promoting the Eat, Drink, Live Well booklet. They have also supported older people in their sheltered housing with a ‘Global Tea Party’ and are repeating this during Malnutrition Awareness Week, with 6-9 tea parties. It has become a natural conversation that they have with all tenants over 65. They have ensured that staff are fully trained to use the PaperWeight Armband resources and start the conversation with their tenants.