Information and Advice

- Location: Age UK Rotherham
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Rotherham - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Rotherham
Galax Building, Eastwood Trading Estate
Fitzwilliam Road
South Yorkshire
S65 1SL
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01709 835214
Age UK Rotherham offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.
Opening hours
Helpline: 01709 835214 Monday to Friday, 9.30 - 15.30
Voicemail: If you leave a message and contact details we will call you back.
Telephone Visits and Home Visits are Monday to Friday 9.00 - 16.30 and can be arranged outside these times if essential.
We can provide:
Information factsheets and leaflets
Further contact information if specialised help is required
Help with form filling
State Pension Age Benefits information
Benefits Checks to identify entitlements
Help with applying for retirement age benefits
Information about staying warm at home, home adaptations and housing options
Information about finding a care home or getting some help at home, and how it is funded
Age UK Rotherham Services
Other local services, community groups and support for older people and their carers.
Free booklets and online information
Age UK produces free information guides and factsheets on a wide range of topics, including home adaptations, dementia, and advice for carers. You can find a complete list of guides and factsheets on the Age UK national website.
Find information online
If you prefer to read information online, the Age UK national website has information and advice on many topics, including how to find a care home, how to avoid scams, and Power of Attorney.
If you know an older person who is being abused or who may be at risk of abuse, then you might find information on this website useful. Whether you know the individual involved through your role as a professional, carer, relative or friend, we all have an important part to play in safeguarding them from abuse. Any form of abuse is unacceptable, no matter what justification or reason may be given for it, and it is very important that we are aware of this and know that help is available. Don't let abuse go unnoticed, don't ignore, report it!