EngAge Rotherham

- Location: Age UK Rotherham
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Rotherham - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Rotherham
Galax Building, Eastwood Trading Estate
Fitzwilliam Road
South Yorkshire
S65 1SL
United Kingdom
EngAge Rotherham is an exciting new approach responding to our ageing society. It aims to help people stay connected and engaged within their local communities and Rotherham in general so that they can make the most of later life and have a full role to play in the lives of their families, communities and in the life of our Borough.
Priorities for EngAge Rotherham
The priorities for EngAge Rotherham have been identified as areas of concern by older people in Rotherham. These are:
Being safe
Not being lonely and isolated
Staying independent
Being healthy
Being connected
For more information on the EngAge project including volunteers, EngAge Groups, Community Connectors and more please use the link below