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Be prepared - top tips for staying warm and well this winter

Published on 28 February 2018 01:09 PM

Woman checking a thermostat

With the uncertain winter weather conditions, this time of year can be worrying for older people trying to keep warm and well.

Lesley Dabell, Age UK Rotherham’s Chief Executive, said,  'We know that older people are more vulnerable at this time of year because of the cold weather.  Even in a mild winter there are more deaths in our older population because of the cold.  Friends and family can help by making sure their older relatives and neighbours are safe and comfortable during the current cold spell.'

With a little preparation and by following some simple suggestions we can help ourselves prepare for winter.

Here are a few ‘top tips’

  • 64 degrees F (18 degrees C) is the ideal temperature for your bedroom and 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) is the ideal temperature for your living room. Check your thermostat or use a room thermometer to monitor temperature.
  • Eat well – hot meals and drinks help keep you warm. Try to eat at least one hot meal every day and have hot drinks during the day.
  • Keep a list of emergency numbers, such as utility companies, near your phone.
  • Several thin layers of clothing are better than one thick layer as the layers trap warm air. Clothes made from wool or fleecy synthetic fibres such as polyester are a better choice than cotton.
  • Order repeat prescriptions in plenty of time, particularly if bad weather is forecast and ask your local pharmacy if they offer a prescription pick up and delivery service.
  • Keep basic food items in the cupboard or freezer in case it’s too cold to go shopping.
  • Make sure you claim all the financial help you can to help with heating bills.
  • Have a seasonal flu jab – have it early in winter as it can take a few days to take effect. 

Man outisde in snow



For more information about looking after yourself or older relatives in winter please visit the Age UK website