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Charity Golf Day 2018

Published on 31 May 2018 02:25 PM

Local charity golf day raises over £2,000

A big thank you to everyone who took part in Age UK Rotherham’s 4th annual Charity Golf Day held at the prestigious Rotherham Golf Club.

The event proved a great success with the help of our sponsor MEARS who helped make the day get off with a real swing. A big thank you to those individuals and local businesses who supported the event by entering teams and donating prizes for the raffle and auction that took place later in the day.

The sun was shining and Rotherham Golf Club looked majestic in its parkland setting – perfect for a great day’s golf. Guests had ample opportunity to relax and make new friends whilst having the chance to win some great prizes.
After 18 holes, the first team prize went to Allotts, second prize to Rotherham Golf Club Captain’s team and the third prize was won by MEARS.

All proceeds raised will help us to continue our work with and for older people in Rotherham.
We would also like to say a huge thank you to MEARS (Headline Sponsor), Rotherham Golf Club and to Evie Carter (EGC, Beat the Pro) for their warm welcome, excellent hospitality and professionalism.

Love golf, love later life? Save the date for next year – Friday 24 May 2019

Thank you

Link to photos taken on the day