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Black and White Ball 2018

Published on 01 November 2018 09:41 AM

Age UK Rotherham hosted its Black and White Ball on Friday 12th October at the Carlton Park Hotel in Rotherham.

Guests really turned up the style for the monochrome themed occasion. The hotel’s red carpet was rolled out for the arrival of the Deputy Mayor and distinguished guests. A warm welcome and sparkling drink was extended to guests as they chatted and mingled with each other in the lounge while pianist Elliott Walker played a medley of tunes to the delight of everyone.

During the early part of the evening guests took the opportunity to browse the ‘Rotherham Town Art Show’ that displayed feature works by local artists, Chris Slater and Ken Horne.

In welcoming guests, Age UK Rotherham Chief Executive, Lesley Dabell, made an impassioned speech saying, ‘Our Black and White Ball is our fourth annual ball and the event is proving a favourite in our annual events calendar. We’re a local charity with the wellbeing of Rotherham’s older people at our heart. Many of us have a special older person in our lives, whether it’s a family member, neighbour or friend and this is an excellent way for people to show their support and enjoy a great night out. ’

A delicious three course dinner was served in the elegantly themed conference lounge. This was followed by an evening of live entertainment and dancing to songs from the golden oldies era, with guests Mary and Graham winning a bottle of champagne in the dance off competition. The evening’s entertainment also included auctions and a raffle, and together with everyone’s support raised around £2,841.

Headline sponsor for the monochrome themed evening was MEARS. Diane Keay, Customer and Community Manager at MEARS, said, ‘We were extremely proud to support this year’s Black and White Ball and help support the work of the charity’. 

The evening’s welcome reception was sponsored by Allotts Accountants with Two for Joy Introductions sponsoring the printed programme, in recognition of the importance of friendship and companionship in later life.

Julie Benson, Fundraising Development Officer, said that it would not be possible to stage the event without a big thank you to the sponsors, individuals and local businesses that made it possible by supporting, sponsoring, buying tickets and donating prizes for the grand raffle.

Julie also thanked the volunteers and staff who did a fantastic job and worked tirelessly throughout the day and night to make it such a fantastic night out!

Use the link below to see photographs from the event:
Black and White Photos
Color Photos

Photos from the night

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