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Why not get involved and help Age UK Richmond upon Thames?

If you would like to get involved, there are lots of things you can do. Whether you want to give your time by volunteering, take part in a fundraising event, or help with our campaigns, your help would be much appreciated.

Fundraising Regulator accreditation

How you can get involved

  • Donate to us

    We rely on your support to keep helping older people in the borough of Richmond upon Thames. Any donation, no matter how much, is greatly appreciated.

    Donate to us 

  • Volunteer with us

    Our amazing volunteers help us to do so much in Richmond upon Thames. Whether you have an hour or a day to spare, we have lots of opportunities for volunteers.

    Volunteer for us 

  • Play our weekly lottery

    Age UK Richmond are now part of local lottery Get Lucky Local, a weekly lottery which raises much-needed money for good causes across the Richmond Borough community, including Age UK Richmond. Tickets cost just £1 per week, with a top prize of £25,000. From every £1 ticket you buy, 50p will go to help us directly and 10p to other good causes.

    Play Now