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Important Information - Step 4 on 19th of July

Published on 16 July 2021 12:53 PM

The Health and Care Secretary has confirmed the move to the next stage of the roadmap on the 19th of July 2021.

Our approach to Step 4 - Staying Safe

We are now running most of our services as normal, however we will maintain some infection control measures to keep everyone as safe as possible. Depending on the service and if we are seeing you at home or at a community location such as one of our centres, measures will include:

Ventilation - We will continue to optimise ventilation as much as possible, especially in the warmer weather and as much as possible in the winter.

Face coverings - We will continue wearing these when visiting you at home and ask that you do the same when attending an indoor activity or session with us, except when the session itself is taking place.

Hand sanitising - Staff will continue to carry hand sanitiser when visiting you at home, and it will be available at sessions/groups. We continue to encourage you to carry some of your own as well.

Class sizes and distancing - We will continue to take into account keeping participants at a safe distance during our activities. The number of maximum participants per event will be determined per the size of the hall/room.

Sitting down activities - We will cap the number of participants to 20 and spread people out as much as possible so participants aren't sitting too close to each other.

Cleaning between classes - Our cleaning regime is to continue.

Vaccine passports - We won't be asking for proof of vaccinations.

If you are under the weather - We ask you not to attend any sessions/groups and let us know before one of our staff or volunteers visit you at home.

NHS QR codes - These will continue to be available at all our centres for you to check in with should you wish.

Government guidance on staying safe from the 19th can be found here Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread from 19 July - GOV.UK (

Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe during this new phase of the pandemic.

If you would like to get in touch with us please email or call 020 8878 3073.