Voices of Experience

- Location: Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Redbridge Barking & Havering - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
4th Floor
103 Cranbrook Road
United Kingdom
Email: sue.grant@ageukrbh.org.uk
Telephone: 020 8220 6000
Voices of Experience is Back!
Do you want better public services? Are you happy with the local hospital, council or transport? Why not be part of improving them by just telling us what you think? We have the ear of those managing the services and they want your opinion - on a wide range of matters.
Or, just tell us what is important to you. Your views matter and do make a difference.
How does it work?
There are two groups - the Questionnaire Group and the Citizens Panel. Each works in different ways to ensure seniors' opinions are represented and their voices heard.
The Questionnaire Group receives surveys and questionnaires at least four times a year about a range of services. It only takes around 15 minutes to respond. It doesn’t cost you anything and a report with the results of the consultation are sent to you too. All of your comments are completely anonymous.
The Citizens’ Panel meets on a regular basis. The Panel receives presentations and reports to comment on, and is attended by people from many influential organisations in Redbridge. We can provide training, support and transport to assist our panel members. The Panel is chosen from the broadest spectrum of older people throughout the borough to ensure that we truly represent the views of the majority of our residents.
What’s in it for me?
It’s fun! You get to influence what services you get. You can find out about what changes may be coming your way first. You may meet other like-minded people and form lasting friendships.
If you live in Redbridge and are 50+ and want to find out more, contact Sue on 020 8911 2927 or sue.grant@ageukrbh.org.uk.
Latest Survey
Our latest survey is all about Winter Fuel Payments.
Click here to find out more. Paper copies on request.
What is the Questionnaire Group?
This group is made up of over 200 older people who live in Redbridge. There will be up to four questionnaires a year on a wide range of issues which are important to older people in Redbridge.
Questionnaires dealing with three or four issues are sent out with a stamped return envelope and we correlate the answers from everyone (your answers and comments are anonymous!). Group members may also be involved in discussions, meetings and campaigns. We particularly welcome involvement by members of different Black and Minority Ethnic groups or from Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered people.
What is the Citizens Panel?
This is a group of 15 older people drawn from the Questionnaire Group. These individuals will represent the Voices of Experience at meetings with representatives from Social Services, NHS Services and other interested parties.
They also meet regularly with each other to discuss issues that arise. We can provide training, support and transport to assist our panel members. The Panel is chosen from the broadest spectrum of older people throughout the borough to ensure that we truly represent the views of the majority of older people.
Read our Newsletters!
We produce a bi-monthly newsletter, featuring news, views and opportunities to get involved.
Read the latest one here:
Referral Form
Download a copy of the referral form.