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Home Support Service

  • Location: Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
  • Price: Costs may vary
Call 020 8220 6000 for more info

An assessment of your needs will be carried out by the Home Support service to determine that the service can meet your needs. The cost will be dependant on the service you choose.

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Redbridge Barking & Havering - Head Office's catchment area.

Originally a service to assist people with showering and bathing. Home Support has grown into a service offering a range of services, including:

• Assistance (short and long term) with bathing and showering (Weekly Visits Only)
• Help with cleaning
• Shopping and pension collection
• Help with bills and correspondence
• Assistance with exercises prescribed by GP or Physiotherapist
• Re-ablement: helping people regain independence after a fall or illness
• Working with people to reach achievable goals, such as using public transport again or walking to the corner shop

We promote independence, while offering appropriate assistance. We reassess physical well-being at each visit and refer people on to other services if and when appropriate. We provide a professional quality of service whilst remaining courteous and approachable to those who use the service, their families, friends and other agencies. However we are not a Care Agency.

We can also offer referral to hairdressing services who can visit you at home to look after your hairdressing needs.

Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering Home Care Support is registered under the Care Quality Commission. Kelly Walsh is the registered manager of the service.

Rated as 'Good' by the CQC

The CQC (Care Quality Commission) has rated the service as 'Good' overall.

Read the inspection report.

How much does the service cost?

This will depend on what help you need. We will discuss fees when we visit you or you can ring to ask us more.

We can refer you to our Advice and Information Service for an income maximisation assessment to ensure you are in receipt of all benefits and pension that you may be entitled to.

Can we help with anything else?

If you need help with something we have not mentioned, talk to us about jobs and errands that you find difficult. If we can help you, we will. Please see advert below for more information.

To ask about the service, contact us using the details below. Health and social care practitioners can download the referral form at the bottom of the page.

Who can refer to Home Care Support?

• Yourself
• Community Care Services
• Health Service Staff
• Family or friends
• Voluntary sector
• Other agencies

What happens once a referral is made?

We will contact you to arrange an assessment visit, which will usually take about an hour. This is your chance to tell us what you need help with. We will discuss with you any health and safety issues or if equipment is needed. We aim to provide a service at your convenience.

How can I be sure of the quality of the service?

• Our service has an overall 3 star rating from the Care Quality Commission
• We pride ourselves on giving a service that respects your dignity, privacy and confidentiality
• You will usually have the same assistant, except where illness or holidays require a replacement to be put in place, so you know who will be carrying out your care.
• Your service plan is based on what you agreed with the co-ordinator when you were assessed
• You will be provided with a detailed information pack on the service
• You will have a written contract
• We will ask you to complete a service user satisfaction questionnaire annually and encourage you to give us feedback throughout the year

Home Support Leaflet

Download our leaflet for a summary of the help we can provide at home

Home Support Leaflet

Referral form

Download the referral form

Referral form