Falls Prevention

- Location: Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
- Price: Free
Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
4th Floor
103 Cranbrook Road
United Kingdom
Email: glenda.templeman@ageukrbh.org.uk
Telephone: 020 8220 6000
We are pleased to offer a number of strength and balance classes across all three boroughs. Face to face classes include chair based exercise, Tai Chi and Nordic Walking. We also offer chair based exercise classes online. However spaces are very limited as classes are being booked up quickly. For further details on these, please see our online activities page.
We work with older people and community groups across all three boroughs to reduce falls resulting in serious injury.
The Facts
Falls are the biggest cause of accidents in the home and one in three people over the age of 65 fall each year. This increases to one in two for people aged over 80. The good news is that falls are not an inevitable part of ageing and many can be prevented. Taking action to improve your balance and making your environment safer can reduce the chances of a fall, or at least, the long term impact of a fall.
What are we doing?
• We are working with older people and community groups to reduce the number of falls that result in serious injury and to help older people to continue to live independently
• We provide information sessions and literature on what individuals can do to improve their balance as well as organising information events
• We are increasing the opportunities for exercise in the borough
• We provide training for professionals who work with older people.
• We provide home hazard assessments.
If you have had a fall, or are concerned about falling please complete the assessment form either online or print it and post it to us.
If you would like to join one of our exercise classes or discuss any concerns you may have, please contact Glenda Templeman:
Service User Comments
One of our chair based exercise group members has this to say about the exercise class: "I suffered from lower back and hip pain and my yoga class wasn't really helping. I joined the Age UK Chair Exercise class based at Ilford library. I went along, continued and now I can walk without having to stop here and there to regain my composure. Currently the class is funded so its free."
There is plenty of humour as we laugh at our mistakes and because the atmosphere is congenial, you don't feel embarrassed by doing so. The group is mixed gender. Why not come along and join us?"
Level 1 Self-Referral Form
If you are concerned about falling, or have fallen you can complete the self referral form and send it to us to receive information about preventing falls.
Level 1 Referral Form for Professionals
Complete and send the attached referral form to us.
Level 1 Referral Form for Professionals
Slips and Trips
Find out more. Our booklet gives lots of information on preventing falls, and what to do if you do fall.
Living Well Pack Exercises
An additional resource.
Public Health England Exercise
An additional resource.