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  • Location: Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
  • Price: Free
Call 020 8220 6000 for more info

This service is a volunteer based befriending scheme for older people who are isolated. It is available to residents in all 3 boroughs. The telephone service is Monday to Friday during morning hours. The weekly visiting service is for people living alone and subject to certain criteria

In addition to providing companionship it also acts as a welfare monitoring service. Referrals are accepted from other agencies or directly from the older person or their family.

We are delighted to announce that we have received grant funding from the National Lottery Community fund to further develop our befriending service.

Award Winners!

We are delighted and very proud that our Befriending service was awarded the Queens Award for Voluntary Services.

You can find out more about the award here.

What people say about Befriending

'Sometimes I don’t speak to anyone else for days'
'Although I have never met the volunteers who phone me I feel they are my friends'
'My visitor is so cheerful, I always feel better after she comes'

What is telephone Befriending?

Anyone aged 55 and over can receive a weekday morning telephone call. The volunteer will chat to you, check-up on your wellbeing and follow up if there are any problems. Our staff will refer you to appropriate services where requested or to our Advice and Information Service.

What is a visiting Befriender?

A visiting Befriender visits an older person at their home. The visit is for about an hour for a cup of tea and a chat.

To be eligible you should have no more than three contacts per week with other services and have few visitors and unable to attend other social provision such as day centres.

Call for Volunteers!

This service relies on volunteers and we welcome all applications. To find out more, please get in touch on or visit our volunteering page.

Volunteering Page

Referral Form

Download a copy of the Referral Form.

Referral Form

Bogus Caller Partnership

View our partnership working page.

Partnership Working