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Public Transport Survey 2024

Published on 14 August 2024 06:24 AM

During April - July 2024, 198 older people in Redbridge completed our survey about public transport. The survey recorded experiences of various forms of public transport – buses, the underground, dial-a-ride and other local services.

We explored how often the services are used, what they are used for, and asked about any difficulties or challenges, in general use or access.

Most respondents (89%) use local bus services – 52% frequently and 37% less often. A majority of bus trips are for shopping (82%) with half (48%) for leisure - outings or socialising. The services are widely praised, and greatly appreciated.

On issues, around a quarter of respondents (27%) have problems getting to or from bus stops. Almost half (46%) have problems getting on or off the bus. Of those experiencing problems, 43% say the bus stops too far from the kerb, 40% cite difficulties with either the ramp or steps, and 36% have more general mobility issues. Driving is an issue for 8%, who complain they don’t have adequate time to take a seat.

A broad majority of respondents (79%) use underground services – 15% frequently and 64% less often. Most trips (69%) are for leisure - with outings into central London very popular. Stratford is also a well-visited destination.

On issues, around a quarter of respondents (28%) have problems getting to or from underground stations. A third (35%) have problems getting down to the platform. On this, clearly the main issue is with stairs or escalators (68%) with lifts (30%) and general mobility and access (18%) also presenting challenges. Issues are most likely at older stations - esecially along the Central line.

16% of respondents use Dial-A-Ride. A majority of these (64%) are frequent users.

Issues include booking (there are difficulties with the new app), the new '30 minute window' for waiting, poor punctuality and reliability, and restrictions on weekend and medical appointment use.

Click here to read the full report.