Contact us
Here's how you can get in touch with Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering
Our main office:
4th Floor
103 Cranbrook Road
Ilford IG1 4PU
Phone number: 0208 220 6000 (Open 10am - 2pm)
Our Activity Centre:
The Allan Burgess Centre
2 Grove Park, Wanstead
E11 2DL
Phone number: 0208 989 6338
Common Referral Form
If you want to refer to one of our services, you can access our referral form. Otherwise, you can use our contact form (below). For referrals to the Home from Hospital service please visit our Home from Hospital page for referral telephone numbers.
Clcik here to access the referral form.
Complaints and Compliments
If you have a complaint about one of our services or want to compliment us on a service we have provided, you can download the leaflet below and return to us at our office address as shown at the top of the page.