About us

We're a local charity working in the community to support older people, their families and carers. We want everyone to be able to love later life.
Who we are
Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering was founded in 1994.
Mission and aims
Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering exists to improve and maintain the quality of life for older people living in the London boroughs of Redbridge, Barking and Dagenham & Havering. We seek to achieve this aim by:
- Ensuring that older people have dignity, respect, choice and that their voices are heard
- Ensuring that services are provided in a sensitive and approachable manner
- Being a focus of advice and help for older people
Our staff
All of our staff receive on-going training and supervision and, depending on their role, are checked with the Disclosure and Barring service.We provide a number of services which are available to older people in the borough.
In addition to these services we also work closely with Redbridge Council, Havering Council, Redbridge Clinical Commissioning Group, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospital Trusts and other statutory and voluntary organisations.
We meet with these bodies to try and represent the voices of older people and ensure that these voices are heard. We try to ensure that local services are provided in a manner that is accessible and acceptable to older people.
Where you can find us
Our main office is based in Cranbrook Road, Ilford and we have an Activity Centre in Wanstead.
How we are funded
We rely on your support to keep serving the community. We are supported by donations from the public, and receive some funding from Redbridge Council, Redbridge CCG, Havering Council and some charitable grants.
We work alongside Redbridge Council, the Fire Service, the Police service and others as part of the Redbridge Bogus Caller Partnership to help keep older people safe in their homes. Find out more here
What we do
We give advice
Our trained advisors offer free information and advice to older people and their families. In 2016 our advisers helped local older people to claim over £1.4 million that they were entitled to.
We offer home help
We offer home support services to help with bathing and showering, shopping, cleaning, and hairdressing. Some services have a waiting list.We help around 100 people per month with these services.
We befriend
Our volunteer befrienders visit lonely older people in the community who have no one to talk to. They also phone around 240 people who are lonely every day from our offices. In 2016 our volunteers visited 30 older people each week who would otherwise be alone.
We provide activities
Our Activity Centre has a wide range of activity groups and events, including a 2 course lunch Monday-Friday, and exercise classes, giving older people the opportunity to keep fit, socialise, or learn a new skill.
Falls Prevention
We offer information and advice on how to prevent falls and maintain a healthy and active life. We provide Falls assessments for over 50s and hold chair based exercise and postural stability classes to improve balance and posture which helps prevent falls. We also provide information sessions for groups and training for professionals.
We provide Dementia Support
We provide Dementia advice and support both pre and post diagnosis. This includes support to access services, assistance with applications for benefits and transport schemes, practical and emotional support and help to plan for the future. Our Early Intervention Dementia service helps people to obtain a diagnosis.
We encourage involvement
We give people over 50 the opportunity to have their say on services they receive.We offer opportunities to influence services via questionnaires, either by post or on line, holding focus groups, involvement in consultations and campaigns, and a citizens panel who meet on a monthly basis.
We promote volunteering
We provide many opportunities for volunteering, ensuring that our volunteers experience a rewarding and enjoyable time with us. We have around 170 volunteers who befriend older people, teach them IT skills, assist at our activity centre or an activity in the community, help us with office administration.