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Age UK Reading offers lots of services for older people and their carers.
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Age UK Reading service
Age UK Reading is developing groups based on the Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST) model, supporting older people living with mild to moderate dementia.Cognitive Stimulation is the only non-drug treatment recommended to improve…
Age UK Reading
Supporting Independence, Affordability and FriendshipHomeshare is a new service that Age UK Reading is launching for people in this area. We are putting our long experience of matching and overseeing Befriending relationships to work on this…
Information, advice and support services for family carers in Reading and West Berkshire are now – from 1 November 2022 – provided by the Reading and West Berkshire Carers Partnership. The partnership consists of Reading Mencap, Age UK Berkshire, Age…
Happy Feet is our footcare service to help maintain and improve your independence and mobility. Happy Feet provides a basic footcare service which includes a health assessment of your feet to identify any potential problems, toe nail cutting, removal…
Our Befriending Service offers support & friendship for older people living in the Reading area. At Age UK Reading our goal is to enable older, lonely and isolated elderly people living in the greater Reading area, feel that they are still valued…
A garden maintenance service for basic lawn care and garden tidying.
We provide a free telephone and email information and advice service to help local older people. We have access to all of Age UK's resources when it comes to guides and factsheets on issues that affect older people. Our experienced local staff also…