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Befriending Service

  • Location: Age UK Reading
  • Price: Free
Call 01189502480 for more info

Free Service

Our Befriending Service offers support & friendship for older people living in the Reading area. At Age UK Reading our goal is to enable older, lonely and isolated elderly people living in the greater Reading area, feel that they are still valued members of the community.

Terms used in Befriending

Befrienders are volunteers who are matched with Befriendees. All volunteers are interviewed and references are obtained. A Disclosure and Barring Service check is also made before a volunteer can participate in befriending.

Matches are relationships created between Befrienders and Befriendees

Befriending video

Benefits of the Befriending Service

Befriending services are a great way to reduce loneliness and isolation, especially for people who are mainly housebound because of advanced age, disability or health conditions. Befriending services provide a friendly person who visits or calls on a regular basis to offer company and conversation. Befriendees can choose what they want to do with their befriender, whether it’s reminiscing, playing games, having a cup of tea or just chatting. Befriending services aim to make befriendees feel happy and comfortable and connected to the wider community.

About Befriending

Becoming a volunteer Befriender

Befriending projects could not function without people like you. You can do something to help by becoming a befriender with Age UK Reading. By signing up to become a befriender, you are joining a national mission to reduce social isolation and loneliness amongst our communities. For isolated and lonely people, regular social interaction can help to build confidence, self-esteem and structure, amongst many other positive outcomes.

What you will get out of it:

 It's a great way to make a real difference to someone's life
 You'll be giving something to your community
 You get to be part of Age UK Reading's volunteer team
 Volunteers tell us they find befriending really rewarding

What is expected of volunteers?

Befriending volunteers are expected to call or visit their friend regularly. This usually involves a commitment of around 30 minutes to an hour per week, over a long period of time. Volunteers will also need to attend mandatory training sessions, provide references, and undergo a DBS check. You can read more about the Befriending project and watch a video here.

To find out more or have an informal chat about Befriending you can contact our Coordinator on 0118 9502480 or email Thank you for taking the time to support others and to make a difference.

Befriender application form

Becoming a Befriendee

The Age UK Befriending service aims to improve the quality of life for older people who live in the greater Reading area. Volunteers provide friendship and support either by regular personal visits or telephone calls. They provide warmth, company and support for those who do not get any visitors. If you or an older person you know would like to take advantage of this service please contact our Befriending Co-ordinator on 0118 950 2480 or email us on

Befriendee referral form