Raise Funds For Free!
Did you know you don't have to spend anything to start raising money for Age UK Reading? Some of our retailers will make FREE donations to Age UK Reading just for switching to their service, participating in free trials or even simply registering on their site.
For example, netflix offer a £7.50 when you start a free trial while The National Lottery will donate £1.50 just for registering on their site and playing Lotto online for the first time! You can raise £4.50 by registering and making your first bid on ebay and LOVEFiLM offer a £5 donation when you sign up for a 14 day free trial of their dvd rental service.
Age Uk Reading currently have 27 supporters signed up and so far (as of April 2018) they have raised almost £600!
You can raise over £200 without spending anything - visit http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ageukreading and click on the FREE Donations page for more details.
Huge thanks to all our supporters!