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Jingle Bakes

Published on 16 November 2021 03:24 PM

Jingle Bakes

This Christmas, you can enjoy your favourite treats and spread some festive cheer whilst helping raise funds for Age UK Reading. How? By organising a Jingle Bakes Christmas bake sale between 10-12 December!

Whether you’re a natural in the kitchen or a complete novice, we’d love for you to get involved. Big fan of gingerbread biscuits? Great, bake as many as you can and invite friends, family and colleagues to enjoy them. A dab hand at a yule log? Fabulous, why not make two? If baking really isn’t your thing, nip to the supermarket and cheat. Anyone can join in, whatever their age, from kids to grandparents and everyone in between!

Hold your Jingle Bakes sale at home, at work – wherever you want. Encourage your guests to bring something too (all the better if it’s homemade) as every slice, every sliver, and every bite of every biscuit, every crunch and every munch means more funds for Age UK Reading to be able to give older people the support they need at Christmas, and beyond.

Contact 0118 950 2480 or to request a pack.

Alternatively you can download resources directly below:

Cake Labels


Quiz Sheet

Bingo Main

Bingo cards 1

Bingo cards 2