Close Encounters

- Location: Age UK Portsmouth
- Price: Free
Telephone: 02392883522
Free practical support to reduce loneliness for older people in Portsmouth, Gosport and the surrounding area.
Close Encounters is a three-year project designed to improve quality of life for lonely and isolated people to help reduce the pressure on GP services which often provide support to regular callers who might find more personal benefit from local, social support.
Services we can offer
Information and Signposting
Age UK Portsmouth provides an Information and Signposting service to help you find the right services for your needs both in and outside your home.
Gosport Voluntary Action supports advocacy needs. They will work with you to help build your self-confidence and will be your voice if you desire.
Advocacy is about taking action to secure your rights, representing your interests and saying what you want in order to obtain the services you need.
Come Here And Talk (CHAT groups)
Gosport Voluntary Action offers you the opportunity to attend social and activity groups. These groups often bring small numbers of Close Encounters participants together for hobbies, sharing and relaxed chat. These activities help to rebuild your social confidence in a safe environment.
Facilitated Support and Befriending
There are two approaches to offering tailored support if you are perhaps unable to leave your bed or your home.
You can be supported to master your mobile phone and/or tablet so that doors and windows on
the world open for you. Or, if you prefer, we can offer a weekly social chat by telephone on a one-to-one basis.
Who we work with
Age UK Portsmouth works in partnership with a number of local organisations in order to deliver the Close Encounters service. Our main partner is Gosport Voluntary Action who provide older people’s services including advocacy, information, form filling and end-of-life planning.
Other partners include the University of Portsmouth and Age Concern Gosport.
How can I get help?
Referrals to Close Encounters can be made quickly and easily by completing a referral form. The project has been fully funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and the service is provided completely free of charge to all users.
Who to contact in Portsmouth
Age UK Portsmouth
The Bradbury Centre
16-18 Kingston Road
Portsmouth PO1 5RZ
Telephone 023 9288 3522
Who to contact in Gosport
Gosport Voluntary Action
Martin Snape House
96 Pavilion Way
Gosport PO12 1FG
Telephone 023 9250 3871