Chair's Bulletin
Chair’s Bulletin – 2020-2021
What a Year! The pandemic meant radical changes to how we work. Some of those we serve were the most at risk. They needed more support at a time when it was no longer possible to deliver our services in the same way as previously. We had to limit face-to-face contact. As will be clear in this report we had to find other ways in which to help.
Charity Review
Every effort is being made to ensure whatever changes take place, the many people who benefit from our local services will continue to be able to do so irrespective of our future organisational form.
Age UK Portsmouth needs to attract donations and legacies to continue to undertake local projects which are so greatly needed within our community.
The Charity strives to offer the highest standard of service to those in need of help and assistance. We are a lifeline to many of our service users. We help to support them in their homes; we offer them a friendly face, a helping hand, companionship with others and for most an end to isolation.
For many of our service users, the contact time with Age UK Portsmouth staff and volunteers is the only time they socialise or possibly get outdoors, and it is often the only contact and opportunity they have for mixing with other people in their local community.
Achievements and Performance
Despite the onset of a world-wide pandemic at the beginning of the last financial year 2020-2021, Age UK Portsmouth continued to strive to maintain high standards in the work it undertook, not only in its delivery of different forms of public support but also in its organisational procedures.
It has been a difficult year. Face-to-face contact had to be limited and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was needed if it was to be undertaken. We managed to maintain support to those most in need through telephone and online contact. Throughout the year some staff worked from an office base, with masks and being socially distanced; others worked from home and others still were furloughed.
All our staff remain committed to safeguarding and supporting all those who need our assistance. Their willingness to comply with the restrictions whilst maintaining different forms of support has been impressive throughout the year. As an organisation we have quickly learned how best to use online communication and have secured resources to purchase equipment that can be used to support our service users and our staff. The lessons learned during the year will be useful post-COVID and place us in a strong position to support recovery.
Every effort is being made to ensure whatever changes take place in the future, the many people who benefit from our local services will continue to be able to do so irrespective of our future organisational form.
Principal Funding Sources
Funding for Age UK Portsmouth's services delivery has evolved over time and the organisation depends more heavily than in the past on income generation through the paid-for services offered to those who need help in and around their homes.
The impact of COVID-19 lockdowns and the availability of pandemic-related emergency grants were sustaining sources of funding for the charity. Funds were converted into food produce for public dissemination or, when appropriate, covered core charity costs which, without usual income sources, were suffering exponentially with staff roles ultimately at risk.
To safeguard the charity, the Executive continued to bid for and attract important income from the following Funders to whom Age UK Portsmouth are extremely grateful. Without the generosity of these Funders, Age UK Portsmouth would not have been able to deliver so many public benefits. A huge vote of thanks goes to funding organisations such as:
- the National Lottery
- Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
- Hampshire & IW Community Fund
- The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
- The RAF Benevolent Fund
- Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity
- Age UK, London
- NHS England
- E.on
As a result Age UK Portsmouth has proven to be resilient and more self-reliant.
Plans for Future
Age UK Portsmouth continuously endeavours to understand how best to reshape itself so that its services can be sustained whilst ensuring it’s in a position to make a clear decision about the Brand Partnership with Age UK National. The current Brand Partnership Agreement is to be replaced in 2022.
Significant improvements were made to the environment within the Bradbury Centre in 2018 which very effectively supported our emergency actions throughout the pandemic year of 2020. All services are continuously reviewed to ensure that they remain and build on their current positive impact both to recipients who need their help and to the organisation's sustainability.
Age UK Portsmouth has always maintained close relationships with neighbouring, regional and nationwide-based Age UK organisations.
Engagement in county and nationwide fora, panels and action groups are underway again post-COVID. Working with Councillors and MPs continues to enable a clear understanding amongst politicians about the organisation’s strengths and long-term core values.
Paul Hummel–Newell - Chair