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What We Do?

Extensive support and advice for people over the age of 18 (and their families) who are going through the long-term care assessment process, or are wanting to appeal an NHS Continuing Healthcare funding decision, is available from our social enterprise, Beacon.

People who are assessed as eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare will have the full cost of their care and accommodation funded by the NHS. To be assessed as eligible, you must have a Primary Health Need which means that the totality of your care needs are so complex, intense or unpredictable that they are beyond the ability of social services to legally manage. NHS Continuing Healthcare assessments are highly detailed and the process of assessment can be confusing and stressful.

Information, Advice and Advocacy

Beacon has evolved from a service offered by Age UK Oxfordshire where a team of specialist caseworkers have enabled hundreds of individuals to understand their assessments and prepare clear, structured and evidence-based cases for appeal.

Beacon offer low cost advocacy and casework services and as a social enterprise they commit to a set of ethical business principles. Beacon is working in partnership with NHS England to provide a new service for people in England who need independent expert advice in relation to NHS continuing healthcare. They are able to provide people with up to 90 minutes of free written or telephone advice.

Beacon also offer a comprehensive set of guidance to help individuals navigate the system where they are awaiting an assessment or wishing to appeal a continuing healthcare decision. This is called the Navigational Toolkit and is free to download or you can request a copy to be sent to you by post.

Beacon’s caseworkers are highly experienced, having worked with thousands of families and recovered over £7million in care fees for people whose care should have been funded by the NHS. As a result, they have built up a reputation for quality advocacy and casework, having been commissioned by Local Authorities and NHS trusts across the South over the past 13+ years to provide trusted independent advice, casework and advocacy, and to support the NHS with training.

You can contact Beacon on 0345 548 0300.

Visit the Beacon website

Useful Contacts

Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Continuing Healthcare Department
Tel: 01865 904 519

NHS England Commissioning Board
Health Service Ombudsman
Tel: 0845 015 4033
Care Quality Commission