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Fraud and scams support

  • Location: Age UK Oxfordshire
  • Price: Free
Call 0345 450 1276 for more info

Age UK Oxfordshire
10 Napier Court
Barton Lane
OX14 3YT
United Kingdom

We offer group talks to raise awareness of scams, and one-to-one sessions for those who have been affected by scams.

What we do

The programme, funded by Lloyds Banking Group, helps older older people to avoid fraud and scams by increasing knowledge and confidence to recognise and deal with attempted scams. We also provide support to older people who have been affected by fraud/scams.

Older people can be particularly vulnerable to fraud and scams, which can have a serious emotional and financial impact, and can damage the quality of life and well-being for many.

Sophisticated scams have been on the rise during the pandemic with criminals devising even more ways to target those they believe to be vulnerable.

Guide to avoiding scams

Scams are increasingly common and many people are caught out. They can be very distressing, and the impact is often emotional as well as financial.

The Age UK guide below can help you spot the warning signs that someone might be trying to scam you. It will explain the following:
- The ways scammers might try to approach you
- What you can do if you think you’re being scammed
- How to avoid being deceived by scams in the future

Read the guide.

How to get support

If you've been affected by scams and would like to discuss a one-to-one visit, or would like to organise a group talk to raise awareness of scams please get in touch using the details at the top of this page.