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Digital support

  • Location: Age UK Oxfordshire
  • Price: Free
Call 01235 849 434 for more info

Age UK Oxfordshire
9 Napier Court
Barton Lane
OX14 3YT
United Kingdom

Whether you need help with your phone, computer or tablet, along with our team of volunteers we can support you to develop your skills and safely get involved with the online world.

What we do

As the world around us moves more and more online, we can help you make sense of it and build your confidence to use it as you choose.

Whether it's staying connected to family and friends over Skype, doing online shopping, learning how to use Zoom to join a virtual group or class, setting up an email, or simply learning how to use your IT gadget…we are here for you.

We will listen to what your issue is and if we can’t help you, we will know someone who can.

We do NOT help with:
- Specialised technical issues: we suggest that people contact their local computer repair shop who may charge them. We can help you find the local computer shops near to you.
- Online Banking: we suggest that people contact their own bank, all of whom now have customer care staff who will be able to support with this.

To find out how we can support you, please get in touch using the details at the top of this page.

Making the most of the internet

The internet can seem complicated, but Age UK's step-by-step guide can help you make sense of it. From keeping in touch with friends and family to doing your shopping and banking, these tips will help you feel confident and stay safe online. This information is to help people who are already online but want to boost their confidence.

Visit the guide.

How Ray gained digital confidence

According to research by Age UK, 40% of people aged 75+ and 12% of people aged 65-74 do not use the internet.

In this video, 82-year-old Raymond explains how Lloyd, a Digital Champion, helped him take his passion for art online and gain confidence using technology.

View the video.

Could you support us as a volunteer?

As a digital support volunteer, you will be helping to support local people and communities to be more confident and involved in the online world.

Find out more about becoming a Digital Support Volunteer.