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Book groups

Age UK Oxfordshire service

Our TeaBooks groups offer sociable book clubs for over-60s, helping people to share a love of books and reading, and to meet new people. These groups bring mental stimulation, friendship and laughter to the places where people can easily gather.

9 Napier Court

Information and advice: Staying safe and warm

Age UK Oxfordshire service

Together with leading gas distribution company, SGN, we provide essential support to help people to stay safe and warm in their homes.

9 Napier Court

Physical Activity: Online classes

Age UK Oxfordshire service

We provide a range of different classes that can participated in from the comfort of your own home.

9 Napier Court

Creative opportunities

Age UK Oxfordshire service

Wellbeing research by Age UK identifies creative and cultural participation as the top contributor to wellbeing in older age. We offer a range of creative opportunities, including book groups and opportunities to help us shape age-friendly creativity…

Age UK Oxfordshire


Age UK Oxfordshire service

Our Homeshare service supports older people to continue living independently at home. It brings together an older person who may benefit from companionship, practical help or reassurance, with a carefully matched person who is happy to lend a hand.

Age UK Oxfordshire

Social prescribing

Age UK Oxfordshire service

A Social Prescriber can help you find a range of local activities, opportunities and support that can improve your health, wellbeing and help you to live life to the full.

Age UK Oxfordshire

Information and advice: Benefits and entitlements

Age UK Oxfordshire service

There are many different entitlements available to older people, and as we age our circumstances can change, so it is good to check you are not missing out on anything. We can help you to understand what you are entitled to and how to apply.

Age UK Oxfordshire

Fraud and scams support

Age UK Oxfordshire service

We offer group talks to raise awareness of scams, and one-to-one sessions for those who have been affected by scams.

Age UK Oxfordshire


Little Handbook of our Services