Donate now
Make a donation
Your gift, whether it is a one-off or a regular donation will help us support the thousands of older people in Oxfordshire who feel they have no one else to turn to.
A regular gift helps us to plan for the future because we know that we will have a steady income we can rely on.
Other ways to support us
Donation forms
If you want to make a donation offline, we’ve got all the paperwork you need right now here including details of how to donate by cheque.
Text to donate
Whatever mobile network you’re on, you can use your phone to text and donate to Age UK Oxfordshire.
Simply type in our unique code, AUKO, followed by the amount you would like to donate (up to £10) and text it to 70085.
For example if you would like to donate £10, simply text AUKO 10 to 70085 to donate to Age UK Oxfordshire and make a difference today.
Donate for someone special
Has our charity reached out to someone special to you?
- In memory of a loved one – celebrate the life of someone special
- Through treatment – spur on someone close to your heart to continue to fight
- In recovery – champion a special person who has gone through a hard time from injury or illness
- You can also set up a page for your own journey through treatment or recovery
*Before submitting your donation double check that you have selected Age UK Oxfordshire, otherwise your donation might be recieved by a different organisation.*
What your donation could do
could enable us to reach out to 5 isolated and vulnerable older people with a friendly call.
could enable 5 older people to attend a support group as they face a future after a bereavement.
could enable us to help 5 people claim the welfare benefits that are rightfully theirs.