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The Oxfordshire Age Friendly Creative Network (OAFCN) exists to ensure that older people across Oxfordshire have access to high quality creative and cultural opportunities.

Age UK research tells us that creative and cultural participation is the single most important factor in contributing to a positive sense of wellbeing in later life. The OAFCN has taken inspiration from Age Friendly initiatives across the UK, including locally in Banbury, and aims to make arts and culture an integral part of the Age Friendly agenda in Oxfordshire.

Making creativity and culture more accessible to everyone.


OAFCN supports cultural and creative partners including Theatres, Arts Centres, Libraries, Museums, Music Venues and Creative Practitioners to develop their age friendly creative offer for older people living in Oxfordshire and to ensure the arts are accessible to everyone. We want to collect evidence of good practice and disseminate the learning across OAFCN and beyond. Most importantly of all we want to celebrate the achievements and creativity of older people and challenge stereotypes.

How can you get involved?

The OAFCN is open to anyone with an interest in Age Friendly Arts and Culture. OAFCN members will receive regular updates and newsletters with information about innovative creative activities and groups, funding opportunities, research reports and other relevant information.

We will also organise themed events which will aim to generate new age friendly creative projects and activities and offer the opportunity to work with like-minded colleagues and organisations to develop new partnerships.

OAFCN e-news

Our newsletter is available here.

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Watch The Framing Oxford Video

The Framing Oxford project explored the history of the Cowley area of Oxford through the memories of the project participants with support from Oxfordshire History Centre. It took place during the Covid 19 pandemic and adopted a blended approach to delivery, both on-line and off-line. The Framing Oxford film shares the outcomes from the project, it was made in partnership with Film Oxford.


Oxfordshire Age Friendly Creative Ambassadors…

We want to put older people the heart of planning and delivery for age friendly creativity across Oxfordshire and we have a group of Age Friendly Creative Ambassadors (AFCA’s) who help us shape creative and cultural provision locally. The AFCA programme is open to anyone aged 60+ living in Oxfordshire, no previous involvement with arts and culture is needed. We are delighted that the AFCA programme has been shortlisted for a Fantastic for Families Award in the Age Friendly Outreach category. The winner will be announced on 16th November 2022.

If you would like to find out more, please email You can also follow us on X.