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Falls prevention resources

Age UK works on a wide range of areas around falls prevention. This includes supporting local Age UKs to deliver their falls services, policy and influencing as well as research.

You may be interested in some of our research and influencing reports on falls prevention including:

Falls prevention guide, June 2013 (PDF, 308KB)

This document explains the evidence base for falls prevention exercise and the benefits which can be expected, for older people and for health and care services, if programmes are put in place which follow the evidence. It includes case studies of current services which are delivering a reduction in falls through such programmes.

Don't mention the F- word (PDF 232KB)

Stop falling: start saving lives and money (PDF 2.57MB)

Engaging older people in physical activity (PDF 138 KB)

National Falls Prevention Coordination Group (NFPCG)

Age UK is a member of the National Falls Prevention Coordination Group (NFPCG). The NFPCG has produced guidance outlining actions that the health, care, housing and voluntary sectors can take to help prevent older people having falls and fractures. The national falls and fracture consensus statement and resource pack are aimed at commissioners and strategic leads with a remit for falls prevention, bone health and healthy ageing. The guidance covers a range of effective interventions including:

  • promoting healthy ageing across the different stages of the life course
  • evidence based strength and balance programmes and opportunities for those at low to moderate risk of falls
  • home hazard assessment and improvement programmes.

National falls and fracture consensus statemet (via GOV.UK)

Resource pack (via GOV.UK)

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Last updated: Apr 15 2024

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