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Public policy briefings

Our legislative work aims to provide information to MPs and peers about how proposed legislation affects later life and how their work could improve the lives of older people.

We produce briefings on key legislation and debates to outline our position as an organisation and key priorities for people in later life. We also submit evidence to Parliamentary inquiries on subjects affecting older people.

Some of our recent work is below and if you are looking for information on a particular issue please contact us to see if we can help.

Email to discuss how we can support you in Parliament

Become an Age Champion

Age UK and our supporters across the country have been asking MPs to become Age Champions. By signing up as an Age Champion, MPs agree to work to help make the UK and their community a great place to grow older.

For more information call the Age UK Advice Line on 0800 169 65 65 (8am-7pm, 365 days a year).  

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Last updated: Mar 12 2025

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