Thinking about your health
As we get older we tend to face new health challenges and it can feel more difficult to stay well and active. Sometimes knowing the best option for you can feel daunting. But Age UK know what to do.
As we get older we tend to face new health challenges and it can feel more difficult to stay well and active. Sometimes knowing the best option for you can feel daunting. But Age UK know what to do.
Our free, confidential, national phone service is open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year for older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals. Whatever the worry, we’re here to offer support.
We know the importance of independence for older people and looking after your health can keep you independent for longer.
Whether it's accessing health services, managing an existing condition or finding ways to stay active, we're here to help.
Find out more about the different ways we help older people look after their health and stay independent.
Your health is a personal thing – whether it's the conditions you live with, your circumstances, or the ways you're able to stay active. But our information can help you make the decisions that are right for you.
Whether you've recently received a diagnosis or you've lived with a condition for some time, our information can help you find the answers you're looking for.
Knowing where to start can be difficult, but it's crucial you know how to access the support you need if and when you need it. We can help you access the healthcare you need.
Whether you're already active or your needs have changed and you're looking for new ways to be active, we have information to help you find something that works for you.
We understand it can be easier and more enjoyable to stay active alongside other people. So our programmes help find ways to stay active and connected with others in your community. And, of course, we'll be with you every step of the way.
Our Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST) sessions help older people living with dementia stay active and make new memories and friendships.
Local exercise classes across the country offers different ways for people to stay active in their community in a way that works for them.
Our programmes, such as Walking Football, can help you stay active and independent and are a great way to meet new like-minded people.
Coming to the group has been an outlet for me... The group makes me feel included and my voice is heard. It makes me feel important and empowered. I can just be myself.
The reality is, that for many people, their health has a far-reaching effect on their lives. It can impact their relationships, confidence, how they spend their money, and what money they have to spend. We make sure we understand what's really happening in older people's lives. And we work to make sure the Government understand that too.
We heard from thousands of older people about just how much the coronavirus pandemic affected them. For many, the long-term effects will be felt for the rest of their lives.
People that are socially excluded often live with complex health needs – but find it hard to access health services. We believe everyone should have access to the help they need.
Age UK's Advice Line is open every single day of the year. For many, it's a lifeline.
Knowing what to do and where to turn if things go wrong or you need answers you can trust can be difficult. But our friendly advisers are just a phone call away.
We understand that a change in someone's health brings with it a lot of questions – for the person and their loved ones.
Age UK. Know what to do.
I'd been lonely for a long time because my husband had Alzheimer's. I've used Age UK for support each week over the last several years and it's a lifeline. A light in the wilderness.