Save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners

We strongly oppose the cut to the Winter Fuel Payment that means only those receiving Pension Credit or other means-tested benefits will receive it.
We have repeatedly warned that at least 2.5 million older people would struggle without it and wouldn’t be able to afford to stay adequately warm in their homes.
We're particularly worried about:
- Those on low incomes who just miss out on Pension Credit.
- Those who have unavoidably high energy needs because of disability or illness.
- The 900,000 people who don't receive Pension Credit even though they're eligible for it.
The WPF cut has had a significant impact this winter — 9.1 million people aged 66+ said they were cold in their own homes in January.
We cannot and we must not go through this all over again next winter. Energy prices continue to rise and struggling older people must be better protected now and in the years to come
Save the Winter Fuel Payment petition:
Over 650,000 people signed the petition to save the Winter Fuel Payment for struggling pensioners.
- On the 18th February Age UK and older people delivered the petition to no.10 to demand more support.
What is the Winter Fuel Payment?
Winter Fuel Payment is an annual tax-free payment for households that include someone born on or before 22 September 1958 (for 2024-25) and, from 2024 onwards, receive Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance, or an award of Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit of at least £26 for the tax year 2024-25. It's designed to help you cover your heating costs in winter, with households receiving up to £300.
Households that are eligible normally receive this payment automatically. Read more here.
You can also check if you're eligible for Pension Credit and find out how to apply here.
What Age UK is calling for
The Government must ensure that older people are able to be sufficiently warm through the colder months – something that clearly isn’t the case for millions at the moment. There are several ways for it to do this. It could:
- re-instate the Winter Fuel Payment for older people who receive a wider range of benefits than just Pension Credit;
- reform and significantly extend eligibility for the Warm Home Discount;
- bring in a social tariff to give people on low incomes or those with high costs due to disability a guaranteed discounted energy deal
- or it could pursue a combination of these kinds of measures.
Doing nothing would however be completely unacceptable.
This winter has shown beyond any doubt that older people on low incomes and in vulnerable circumstances need more support with high energy prices that are expected to remain high for years to come, and the Government must respond.
Will you support the campaign?
If you’d like to get more involved in the campaign, Age UK’s campaigner packs set out what you can do to help.