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We all know moving more is good for us.

It's just knowing the level of activity that's right for you - especially if you have had a fall, are recovering from an illness or are living with a long-term health conidition. During the pandemic many people have had to spend more time at home than they normally would. This can make it harder to return to being active and can have an effect on our motivation.

I want to be active, but find exercise difficult

If you want to be active, but find exercise difficult, click on the below link for some useful information and activities that could help.

Simple Exercises - Age UK

I have a long term health condition or illness

Although having a long term health condition or illness may affect how much you can do, don’t assume it will stop you from being active altogether. It may be more important than ever to exercise to help you to get better!

Being more active isn't about working up a sweat. It's just about moving more each day in whatever way works for you. Walking is often very safe but if you have specific concerns about any health conditions, ask your GP about what’s safe for you.

Chair Based Exercise - Light Aerobic

Chair Based Exercise - Resistance Training

Standing Exercise

Chair-based exercises on DVD

Copies on DVD can also be requested by ringing Teresa Griffiths on 07841 344 194 if you don’t have access to a computer.


Nicola Shore
Phone: 0161 622 9257

Further information