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How do I make a donation to Age UK Notts?

Thank you for wanting to support us.

There are many ways to donate to Age UK Notts such as online or by cheque. Visit our donation page for a comprehensive list of how you can give to Age UK Notts.

Visit the donation page

Can I donate to a specific project or service

While we are extremely grateful for any donation we receive, we prefer that donations are directed towards a current campaign, an emergency appeal or towards whichever of our services are most in need. We plan these services very carefully to meet the needs of older people in our local community. We review our services regularly to make sure that we are providing the best value for money and maximum impact.

But if you would like us to use your gift towards a specific aspect of our work, we will comply wherever possible. Please call 0115 844 0011 or email to discuss your wishes.

Why does Age UK Notts need regular gifts?

Any amount you give helps our work enormously - however big or small. The more you give, the more vulnerable older people we can help. But it is not so much on the amount of gift that is important to us, it is the regularity.

Regular donations benefit us and older people we support in multiple ways, it enables us to:

  • Predict income and manage funds more strategically
  • Plan for the future and ensure funds are available where it is needed most
  • Plan and budget better thus making us more efficient
  • Generate less administration and carry cheaper bank charges so more of your money goes to our work as it is more cost effective

There are benefits to you too. A regular gift is a simple and hassle-free way to donate, whilst knowing that you are helping to transform the lives of older people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and help us create a world in which older people flourish - free from poverty, discrimination and disadvantage.

Visit our donation page to find out more

Where does the money I donate to Age UK Notts go?

We use our skills, knowledge and over 80 years of experience to create a world in which older people flourish - free from poverty, discrimination and disadvantage. So we work really hard to make sure every penny we receive is spent efficiently and effectively to provide front-line charitable activity ensuring older people receive the maximum benefit for years to come.

Find out more about where your money goes.

How do I make a donation in memory of a loved one?

We are always particularly grateful to you for thinking of Age UK Notts at such a sensitive time and for considering donating in such a special way. When you have lost a loved one, your friends and family can pay tribute to your loved one's life by making a gift in his or her memory.

Find out more about how to donate in memory

How do I leave a gift to Age UK Notts in my will?

Leaving a gift in your will is the ultimate act of kindness which allows you to support us in a way in which you may not be able to during your lifetime. If you would like to include Age UK Notts in your will, please ensure that you use our full name, address and registered charity number in your will:

Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire, 577a Nuthall Road, Cinderhill,Nottingham,NG8 6AD, a charity registered in England and Wales (Registered Charity No. 1067881)

Please note that if you don't use our full name, address and registered charity number, then your legacy may be divided between different number of charities bearing similar names.

If you would like more information about including a gift in your will to our charity or speak in confidence about your options for legacy giving, please contact 0115 844 0011 or email

Find out more about how to leave a legacy

How can I make my gift worth even more with Gift Aid?

Gift Aid is a wonderful opportunity to increase the value of your gift and a fantastic method of tax-effective giving, which allows us to help even more vulnerable older people - at no extra cost to you.

What is Gift Aid scheme

The Gift Aid scheme allows us to claim tax back if you pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax each year (Council Tax and VAT do not qualify as taxes for the purposes of Gift Aid) at least equal to the tax that we will claim from HM Revenue & Customs on your Gift Aid donation. E.g. 25p of tax on every £1 you donate on or after 6 April 2008.

Furthermore, if you are a higher-rate taxpayer in the UK, you may also claim back the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate at 20% on the gross value of your donation.

For example:

  • You donate £1,000 and you are a higher-rate taxpayer, paying 40% Income Tax on part of your income and you have made a Gift Aid declaration.

As a result

  • The gross value of the gift to Age UK Notts including Gift Aid is £1,1250.
  • As a higher-rate taxpayer, you can claim a tax rebate of £250 (20% of the gross value of gift) when you make your tax return
  • This means that the donation has cost you £700, but it is worth £1,250 to Age UK Notts.
  • From April 2010, 'additional-rate' taxpayers can claim the difference between the new 50% rate and the basic rate.

Its easy

You just need to tick the Gift Aid box on our donation form. This means that if you declare that you are a UK taxpayer and that you are happy for us to reclaim the tax, all donations qualify - however big or small, regular or single - and whatever the method payment.

If you have previously made a donation to us but you have not declared that you are a UK taxpayer and that you are happy for us to reclaim the tax, you can set this up using our Gift Aid Declaration Form.

Download Gift Aid Declaration Form here

Please send your Gift Aid Declaration Form to (you can help us save money by using a stamp, please omit the Freepost line in the address):

Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
577a Nuthall Road

Alternatively, please contact 0115 844 0011 or email to make arrangements for a form to be posted to you.

Can I ask people to donate to Age UK Notts in lieu of gifts?

Yes, your guests can mark your special day - birthday, wedding, wedding anniversary, etc. by donating to Age UK Notts instead of giving you gifts. You can set up an online fundraising page to mark your special day, we also may be able to provide donation boxes or donation cards if needed – get in touch to discuss this furhter.

To find out more please call us on 0115 844 0011 or email

How do I know my money will not end up in the wrong hands?

We have a tested system of checks and balances to ensure proper use of funds, including regular internal and external audit. Spending reports are also published regularly for our friends and supporters.

I have made a donation in error; can I get a refund?

If you have made a donation in error, we will be happy to refund this for you. Please call us on 0115 844 0011 or email to make arrangements for a refund.

What will Age UK Notts do with my details?

We would like to keep in touch with you to let you know about the vital work we do for older people, our products and our services. So we may contact you from time to time by phone, email, text or post to let you know how you can support us and how you can get involved. We will hold the information you give us securely. We will not share your information with other companies, outside Age UK without your permission.

You can tell us anytime if you no longer want us to keep in touch with you. Please call us on 0115 844 0011 or email

You can opt in to our 'Local Loop' to be included in our news and events in your area.

To find out more click here :

Stay in touch | Age UK Nottingham & Notitnghamshire

How do I make a complaint?

We are committed to create a world in which older people flourish. As a local independent charity, every step we make is reliant upon being able to obtain voluntary funding through fundraising and we are committed to the highest standards. We operate within the fundraising guidelines set down by the Charity Commission and the Fundraising Regulator. We strive to ensure all our fundraising activity is open, fair, effective and honest.

If you have any concerns about our fundraising activity, dislike the way you have been asked for a donation or are in any other way dissatisfied or upset about our fundraising, please contact us:

  • by emailing
  • by calling us on 0115 844 0011
  • by writing to:
  • Fundraising,
  • Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
    16-18 Bridgeway Centre
    NG2 2JD

Download Compliments and Complaints Procedure

Find out more about our fundraising promise

How do I report fraudulent fundraising activity?

Though we strive to ensure all our fundraising activity is open, fair, effective and honest; we can still be a victim of fraud or financial crime. If you have concerns about the legitimacy of a fundraising activity or an appeal i.e. actual or suspected criminal activity, please contact us:

  • by emailing
  • by calling us on 0115 844 0011
  • by writing to Fundraising,
  • Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
    16-18 Bridgeway Centre
    NG2 2JD

We take such matters seriously. We will identify and investigate apparent misconduct or mismanagement in the administration of an appeal or fundraising activity which may be fraudulent or bogus. Such allegation or suspicion will be reported to the Charity Commission, police or other statutory agencies.

I have additional questions, who can I contact?

If you have any question which were not answered in the FAQs, please call us on 0115 844 0011 or email