Mini-Bus Driver
Hours: 10 hours a week over 2 days (split shifts)
Salary: £5,948.80 per annum (pay increase pending)
Based: Sybil Levin Specialist Day Service, Nuthall Road, Nottingham
Tenure: Permanent
About the role
The Sybil Levin Day Service is a specialist day service supporting people with dementia run by Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire.
About you
We are looking for somebody with excellent driving skills who has a compassionate approach to people with dementia. Your duties will include driving people to and from home in our 16-seater mini bus. You will be accompanied by a staff member and together you will ensure our safe and secure during their journey. You will also check and clean the mini bus to ensure it is fully road worthy.
How to apply
For full details please download an application pack from this website. Alternatively, please contact our Human Resources department for an application pack by email to or telephone 0115 8599 265.
This vacancy is open ended and it is advised to send your application as soon as possible. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Download the application pack
To apply for this vacancy, download the application documents and return them to Age UK Notts