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The quality of our people is the cornerstone of our ability to serve our clients.

Thanks are extended to the members for the various groups, committees and advisory panels for their time and commitment.


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Age UK Business Directory (AUBD Limited)

Maria Cooke

Company Secretary
Maria Cooke

Age UK Notts Men in Sheds

Michelle Elliott
Di Trinder
Maria Cooke

Senior Leadership Team

Age UK Notts Community Advisory Panel

The Age UK Notts Community Advisory Panel acts as a consultation group and the ‘bridge’ between our charity and the wider community.  They support the charity by raising issues from the community, reviewing our services and acting as ambassadors for the charity to ensure people can find the help they need as quickly as possible. 

Current members are:

Len Simmonds

Commander Peter Moore RD, DL, RNR

Praise Adigun

Kate Ward

David Greenaway

Ann Whitfield

We would like to hear from you about any general issues affecting older people in the city and county. If you are interested in joining the group or would like to find out more about its work please contact us.

Our 10 Year Strategic Plan