Customer Service
We are committed to delivering outstanding customer care and customer service.
Customer Care
Customers can contact Age UK Notts by telephone, letter, email, website, via social media or face to face. We aim to ensure that the quality of the customer experience is consistent and high regardless of how the Charity is contacted and who the customer deals with.
For us excellent customer care is about treating others as you wish to be treated yourself. We strive to deliver accessible, appropriate, and cost-effective services delivered in a friendly, efficient, and helpful way. We are continually striving to improve services by encouraging open communication and feedback from all who come into contact with us.
Compliments and Complaints
We aim to provide a high standard of service to our service users and to treat all service users and other members of the public with courtesy, fairness and efficiency.
An important part of our work is the way we deal with compliments and complaints. We need to know about any satisfaction or dissatisfaction with our services in order to help us become more effective.
Compliments and Complaints leaflet
Complaints and Compliments V4 .pdf
Compliments and Complaints Procedure
Compliments and Complaints Procedure v2.3.pdf
Anti-bribery and corruption
We are committed to operating with the highest standards of integrity and promoting a culture in which accountability flourishes.
We oppose bribery as it erodes free and fair competition, damages good government and harms society at large.
We operate a zero-tolerance policy towards the giving or receiving of bribes because it is morally wrong, and it is illegal in the UK.
Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy v2.2.pdf Oct 24
Whistleblowing Act 1998 & Public Interest Disclosure Policy v2.6 (1).pdf
Register of Interest
The Charity holds a Register of Interest where any potential conflicts relating to any persons involved with the charity are declared.