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Best Foot Forward

Published on 10 March 2020 09:00 AM

Our Best Foot Forward walk leaders are active in our city communities. Anyone can join our free walks if they are aged 18 or over. It’s a great way to see more of the city and to make new friends as well as boosting your exercise levels. Visit our website to find out more.

This service is run by a committed band of volunteers with some dedicated staff support to help out. To keep the service sustainable, our volunteers recently did some sponsored activities and brought in a fabulous £1,000! What a great achievement and a big help in keeping the walks going in the future. They weren’t too tired for a photograph (left) to celebrate their success.

Here’s what our happy walkers say about the project:

“One of the best decisions I made joining Best Foot Forward. Good starting point has led onto other things such as joining a rambling association, more socially active, a lot fitter and lost a lot of weight in the process.”

“Joining Best Foot Forward has really helped me cope with my depression, I have made new friends and really look forward to the walks. The other walkers have become my family”

What lovely feedback – it warms the cockles of our hearts!