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Making a difference at the SSRU

Published on 09 July 2019 09:27 AM

In this article, we feature the work of the Patient’s Representative at the Short Stay Reablement Unit (SSRU), part of our Advocacy Service. Great job, Carrie.

Mr D came to the SSRU following in-patient cancer treatment. Until recently, he’d been working, driving and living independently. His life had completely changed, and he was worried about living in his upstairs flat, potential social isolation and his much-reduced mobility. He had no family to help.

Carrie supported Mr D to make a Universal Credit claim, worked with other agencies to secure Mr D a move to a ground floor flat, and organised keys to allow specialist agencies to carry out a home assessment. This activity significantly speeded up the discharge process.

In a follow-up call after discharge, Carrie discovered that the necessary physiotherapy had not yet started, nor had access to outdoor mobility been organised – both very important for Mr D’s quality of life. Referrals were chased and processes started. That meant he was still able to do some of his own shopping and meet his friends.

None of us know when illness may strike and change our lives completely. It’s good to know that people like Carrie will be there and be on our side, if that happens. For more information about the SSRU service, call Carrie on 07872 839 609.