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Our services

At Age UK Norwich we're dedicated to making Norwich an Age Friendly City. Our services start for anyone aged 50+ living in greater Norwich.

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Information & Advice

Age UK Norwich service

We can offer independent information and advice to give you or a loved one the support needed to overcome stress and worry.

Please note, our office address is an administration office ONLY we do not take drop ins or appointments at the…

Age UK Norwich

Money and Welfare Rights

Age UK Norwich service

There's no need for financial concerns to be a constant source of worry. We provide clear, expert advice on what you're entitled to, including the benefits you might not have heard about.

We'll also help you make sense of the forms and…

Age UK Norwich

Social Prescribing

Age UK Norwich service

Social Prescribing aims to improve health and wellbeing by offering tailored advice and guidance which supports the individual in working towards achieving their goals.

Please note, our office address is an administration office ONLY we do not…

Age UK Norwich

Care and Health

Age UK Norwich service

If it’s difficult to do the things you used to, we can help you understand the different ways you can make life a little easier. There are lots of options that will help you look after yourself or a loved one.

Please note, our office address…

Age UK Norwich

Legal Advice and Wills

Age UK Norwich service

Most of us will need some help with legal matters at some point in our lives. We offer FREE 20-minute Telephone appointments with a local Solicitor to help you understand your legal rights, or plan for the future with lasting power of attorney and…

Age UK Norwich

Home and bills

Age UK Norwich service

Our goal is to help you live safely and independently at home for longer. We provide support with household bills, debt management and budgeting, as well as information on home help, such as a gardener or someone to help with the…

Age UK Norwich

Health & Connection

Age UK Norwich service

Most people want to stay in their home for as long as possible, but factors like health and mobility can make this more of a challenge. Our Health and Connection service offers solutions that can help you during periods of illness or injury, or to…

Age UK Norwich

Community Support

Age UK Norwich service

Most people want to stay in their home for as long as possible, but factors like health and mobility can make this more of a challenge.

Our Community Support team offers solutions that can help you during periods of illness or injury, or to…

Age UK Norwich


A Guide to Our Services

Find out more about how we can help

Call us today on 01603 496333

Our team are here to help you. Call us between 10.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday or ask VERA our virtual assistant. Please note, our office address is an admin office only, we do not take drop-ins or appointments at our office.