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Thank you very much for your interest in volunteering with Age UK Norwich. Volunteering is an amazing way to give something back to your local community and our existing volunteers tell us they find volunteering an enjoyable and rewarding activity for a range of reasons, such as learning new skills and meeting new people.

All of our volunteer roles are subject to a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Age UK Norwich offer a variety of Clubs and Community Trips for those 50+ living throughout Norwich including lunch clubs.

We currently host a weekly session for clients which includes games for them to enjoy such as Archery, Boccia, Snooker, Darts, Table Tennis and Kurling followed by time to socialise with refreshments.

For more information about our lunch clubs please see: Age UK Norwich | Activity Groups

We would especially like to include people who have long-term health conditions or who are not currently regularly active for whatever reason. We also welcome those who are living with dementia, their carers and families.

This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in working with people in the community and for those who would like to help encourage social interaction in a fun and supportive environment. Knowledge and experience gained through this opportunity may be transferable for those looking to develop a career in community support, coaching and care.

We are looking for volunteers to really take ownership and support clubs to develop and thrive.

As a volunteer at Riverside Multi-Games, alongside other volunteers, you will be asked to welcome clients, encourage social interaction and participation in games as well as support serving refreshments during social time.

You will need to be enthusiastic, welcoming and empathetic to help clients feel comfortable about participating. You must also be sensitive to the personal background and life experiences of all our clients, be aware of the importance of data protection, and treat every participant with respect.

You will communicate with Age UK Norwich on a regular basis and inform us of any concerns or issues with any clients. You will have a dedicated contact to support you while you volunteer with us.

This volunteer role is expected to take up to 1.5 to 6 hours a month.


  • Volunteers are required to attend a Volunteer Induction Session, prior to the start of their placement. This will be delivered by our Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Volunteers are required to attend Role Training before commencing the role. The Community Outreach Officer will deliver this.
  • Whilst supporting us as a volunteer, refresher training may be required to keep up to date with best practice and/or Age UK Norwich policies and procedures.
  • For specific clients with complex needs, such as dementia, further short-duration training may be required, however this will be discussed with you, prior to any placement.


  • Volunteers are not required to deliver any personal care (such as washing, dressing, bathing or toileting) or manual handling (such as lifting or moving) of clients.
  • Volunteers are not required to undertake any fundraising activity for Age UK Norwich


The table below outlines the skills and background that would suit this opportunity.


  • A genuine interest in working with older people and supporting their physical and mental health.
  • Empathetic to the needs and challenges older people face, such as isolation and health issues.
  • A friendly, welcoming demeanor and an ability to communicate with people from all walks of life
  • The ability to encourage and enthuse people to participate
  • Good organisational and time management skills.
  • Flexibility to adapt the way the project is run if required.
  • Experience of supporting people, particularly older or disabled people, in the community.
  • Able to use initiative and adapt to different situations.
  • Tactful, diplomatic and sensitive to people's needs.
  • Effective communication skills and confidence to deal with difficult behavior.
  • Experience of being involved in or running a group activity.


This role is part of our Health and Community Support Service. Volunteers report to our Community Outreach team who is the primary day-to-day contact or Charlotte Govier who is the department lead.


To be agreed but ideally 1.5 to 6 hours a month, all depending on your availability and time you would like to offer.


Volunteers must be over the age of 18 for this service.


Riverside Leisure Centre, Wherry Road, Norwich, NR1 1WX.


We will have regular communication to make sure that you are happy in the role and volunteers are always welcome to contact us know if there are any problems.
You will have a dedicated Community Outreach Officer who will provide support and guidance.
Supervision will take place once every 3 months by your allocated outreach officer. The frequency may increase depending on how much support you need.


Travel costs and any service-related expenditure incurred on behalf of the charity will be reimbursed. These must be pre-approved and claimed in accordance with the Age UK Norwich Expenses Procedure.
This role is voluntary therefore no reimbursement will be made for any time given to support this activity.

Download the role description and person specification

Appy for the role

If you think this is something you would be able to help with, please complete our online application form