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Age UK Norwich Services During Covid-19

Published on 20 July 2020 10:03 AM

Since March, the government rules on social distancing meant that many of the ways we normally offer our services were not appropriate. We quickly reacted to this by making our vital services available over the telephone and online, as well as increasing the information available via our social media and through the partnership organisations we work with. We also launched two new services, our shopping support and telephone befriending services, in response to the issues older people faced during lockdown. 

We have been encouraged by the incremental steps to ease lockdown over the last few weeks, but understand for many older people, it’s still a worrying time. We are fortunate that Norfolk has very low infection rates, and we will be monitoring the results of easing lockdown on the R-rate closely over the coming weeks.

At this stage, we will not be re-introducing our face-to-face services, to protect the safety of our customers, volunteers and staff. All our services can be accessed through our advice line on 01603 496333 or our website, so we are still here for you, whenever you need us.  We hope to offer some face-to-face activity again soon, and we will announce this nearer the time. 

We know there has been a lot of information about new rules from the government.

For our guidance on the important facts you need to know