Have your say on long-term plans for NHS dental services in our area
Published on 05 February 2024 02:08 PM
NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (ICB) is launching a 4-week engagement period on its long-term plans to commission NHS dental services in Norfolk and Waveney.
From Wednesday 24 January to Wednesday 21 February, the ICB is asking residents and wider health stakeholders to provide feedback on the priorities that it has identified to be the focus of its commissioning activities over the next two years. It is also asking what priorities people would like it to consider as it makes its longer-term plans to commission NHS dental services.
The ICB has developed a short survey to capture people’s views on the priority areas which include Urgent Care, Developing Capacity in Dental Teams, Improving Access to Care, and Promoting Good Oral Health.
Feedback can be provided through the survey online, by email, or post. An Easy Read version of the survey is available. Find details of how to request a paper copy or alternative format of the survey, or download a copy at https://improvinglivesnw.org.uk/dental-engagement/.
The survey can also be completed online https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/dental-priorities-survey/.