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Age UK Norwich Celebrates Volunteers' Week

Published on 10 June 2024 04:27 PM

This past week, Age UK Norwich joined the national celebration of Volunteers' Week, which ran from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024. As a charity, we celebrated all the amazing volunteers that dedicate their time and efforts to help improve the quality of later life, together with encouraging others to join us in our mission to make Norwich Age Friendly.

The week kicked off with some of our Age UK Norwich staff going out to litter pick in the local Heartsease community. Armed with litter pickers (borrowed from Norwich County Council) and bin bags, the team managed to fill five bags of rubbish, clearing the area of rubbish for all the local community to enjoy.

Next, we hosted a Volunteers Wellness Walk at Waterloo Park where we had a delightful afternoon reconnecting with our amazing volunteers. Seeing so many familiar faces come out and enjoy the fresh air, a bit of exercise, and most importantly, each other's company, truly warmed our hearts. The walk provided a perfect opportunity for volunteers to unwind, share stories, and forge new connections within the Age UK Norwich family. It was a fantastic chance to recharge batteries and feel refreshed. We were so grateful for everyone who joined us.

The week concluded as we joined other charities at the Volunteering Extravaganza held at The Forum, Norwich. This event offered a chance for potential volunteers to explore the diverse volunteering opportunities available with Age UK Norwich. Having a stall generated a buzz of interest, with many attendees eager to learn how their skills could contribute, from befriending programs to administrative roles.

Charlotte Govier, Health and Community Support Lead at Age UK Norwich said We are extremely grateful for the support from our wonderful volunteers all year round, but it's been extra special to share highlights of the great work they do during Volunteers week, our extended thanks to you all”

Age UK Norwich's Volunteers' Week was a huge success, highlighting the importance of volunteers in enhancing the lives of people in later life. The week not only recognised the dedication of current volunteers but also served as a beacon, attracting new individuals who want to make a positive difference in their community.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more in becoming a volunteer for Age UK Norwich, then please visit our website or contact us on 01603 496333.