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Does our care system match our expectations?

Published on 07 March 2023 10:54 AM


Our CEO, Dan Skipper spoke with Rob Butler on the Chris Goreham Breakfast Show on the 17th of February about the challenges of care in the county, following concerns raised from care providers about their lack of investment.Dan said “I believe we need more serious debate/action on what we define as "care" and its funding strategy as a priority. There is a current dislocation between what most of us expect in the horizon of our retirement or later life VS the availability and reality of the support in our communities. We need a system that prevents ill health and promotes independence, with support from a much earlier age. This can be achieved through more effective collaboration between health, social care, and communities and charities. Currently the system is centred around crisis, meaning not only is quality of life significantly reduced, it also drives higher risks of illness, injury and hospitalisation from preventative conditions.”

Age UK was featured in the Guardian reporting that Hundreds of thousands of older people in England are having to endure chronic pain, anxiety and unmet support needs owing to the worsening shortage of social care staff and care home beds.

Prof Adam Gordon, the president of the British Geriatrics Society, said Age UK’s report reflected what he was hearing from geriatricians across the country. “The levels of excess mortality and of morbidity [and] suffering that we’re seeing in the system as a consequence means that this is now a healthcare crisis which is every bit as bad and important as the pandemic.”You can read the full story here

By 2040 in Norfolk & Waveney, there's forecasted population increases of 19% for residents aged 65-74 and 55% for residents aged 75+. We therefore need to ensure all our societal systems promote a healthy and independent later life.

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